The 2012 Summer Olympics are just over three weeks away, but one recreational boater in Wisconsin may have his sights set on gold in a new event in 2016–drunken endurance swimming.

Police in Osceola, Wisconsin say 27-year old James Lynch was seen driving his boat dangerously near swimmers on Sand Lake, and was allegedly trying to swamp other boats.

When officers approached his boat, he claimed he couldn’t get it started, before jumping in the lake, and trying to swim away. When he noticed there were officers waiting for him on shore, he swam back towards the middle of the lake, in a standoff that lasted more than two hours–or about an hour and 45 minutes longer than I could probably swim sober.

The officers, who had already informed Lynch that he was under arrest, finally managed to pepper spray him (was that a good idea in water?) and subdue him. They said he was slurring his speech and smelled strongly of alcohol (especially impressive, assuming he hadn’t had anything other than lake water to drink for at least two hours.

Lynch was booked on charges of reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and operating a boat while intoxicated.